“Your level of success will never exceed your level of personal development.” Jim Rohn.
What did he think about when he said this? Is there more behind this message than meets the eye? Are you ready to grow as a person, so that your success can increase? I know you want better things, don’t be afraid! Grow today so you can reach those goals tomorrow!”

The sun is shining, the wind is cool, and life feels good. I don’t know what you’re going through or where your head may be at this very moment, but as long as you have a smile on your face, it’s all gonna be alright. So start with whatever you’ve got.

I’m going to let you in on a secret, anything is possible. We’re all the same; we have the same capabilities and chances of success. I know some people will think that sounds like one big cliché, but it’s true! You can’t succeed without first trying, so why not try? It might be something as simple as sewing your own clothes or even starting your own business. Whatever it is, just do what makes you happy and don’t stop until you get there.

I was walking through the forest, admiring the beauty of nature. The trees were green and strong as if they had been there for centuries. The ground looked like rolling hills that went on forever until I reached the rock in my path. Even though this rock seemed insignificant to me at first sight, it’s what changed everything. As I got up close to examine the rock more deeply, I noticed a sign attached and on it read, “Learn from what you see.” Jim Rohn. Look around you what do you see? Are you missing the details?

I was walking down the street, and I heard an old man say, “when you hear something valuable, write it down.” Such a wise statement. It made so much sense that any time I hear anything profound or wise from anyone, I immediately whip out my phone to snap some notes. You don’t need a pen and paper, just capture the information that is valuable to you.

Don’t neglect your health. In order to maintain your health, it is important to take care of your body. This means getting enough sleep and exercise but also taking time for self-care activities such as meditating, eating well, exercising, etc. All these things help keep us healthy and productive at work. However, they can easily get pushed aside when life gets busy.
Self-care is a weekly package containing all sorts of self-care items like food supplements, recipe books with meal plans, exercise, learning and growing.

The best advice I can give is to just go with the positive and grow. It’s better than sitting back and seeing what happens.
The most important thing you need to do is be yourself because that will set you apart from everyone else out there who wants to be a part of it too.
You might not get exactly what you want or hoped for, but at least you’ll know that you have accomplished something and tried your hardest. At the end of the day, we’re all in this together; we’re all on this journey so make the best of each day.

You can do it! The more you work and learn, the better off your life will be. You can do anything, so use all of your capacities to the fullest extent. If you want to turn your life around, do as much as you can. The world is counting on your contribution.

The motto for today should be “enough.” You are enough.
What does it mean? It means doing what we can with all of our heart to make things better. Making steps in any direction instead of waiting for a miracle or turning back on ourselves out of frustration because some days are easier than others, right?
So next time things seem too hard – take a deep breath (or five), stop thinking about how difficult everything is and remember: YOU ARE ENOUGH!
You have the power to make your dreams come true just by doing what you can and keeping up with all of life’s challenges that lie ahead.
Your best is always good enough. You don’t have to be the perfect you, do your best, and that’s more than enough. Enough is simple, which means doing the best you can.

I always find that it is best to try and do things in a different way than you would normally. Trying new things will help me figure out how I can work better for myself because we are all so unique. Go about your day with an open mind and discover what works best.
You want to do what you’re best at doing. Please find out how it works for you, and then go that way! It’s up to you!

Failure and the guilt that comes with it are more often than not attributable to a lack of knowledge about succeeding.
Jim Rohn is a motivational speaker and entrepreneur who started one of America’s first self-improvement seminars. His life insights have changed many lives in different ways, but his quote that says “you are the average of 5 people you spend your time around” rings true to me every day.
Who are the five people that you spend most of your time with daily?
I have not heard of John Rohn before but I love these quotes! They are very inspiring, especially when put in the context of starting your own business. My favorite is “Enough is simply doing the best you can”. Why? Because your best is different from my best. We all have different skill sets, different living situations, different goals. Thank you for posting!
Jim Rohan was a mentor to Tony Robbins. He was one of the first public speakers on motivation. Many of his quotes are used today. Most of his seminars are a few decades old but can be found on YouTube.
What wonderful quotes and gorgeous pictures. I love that you have paired Jim Rohn quotes with your pictures and keeping them all penguin means that your mind doesn’t wander at all. I especially loved the comments about being ‘enough’, I liked the reminder as I live in a world where I’ve been told that I am not enough. But they are wrong and I’ve felt that way for a long time. I’m just different from them, and that’s not bad. I really felt inspired reading each quote and letting it sink it to polish this day in my life.
Thanks so much for the inspiration and eye candy.
I am glad that you enjoyed the quotes. Knowing that you are enough can make a huge difference in your life. Jim Rohn has a way of touching our souls and inspiring people with his words. Thank You for stopping by, and have a great day.
These are beautiful and so practical. My favourite one is a habit I learned several years ago. When you find some valuable information, write it down. I have several exercise books with my handwritten notes about a number of topics, all neatly packed together on a shelf. Every now and then I take down one and go through different quotes, and notes on ‘how to’ that I got from a webinar or book. Thanks for these quotations and for an introduction to Jim Rohn. Now I have more writing down to do.
I am glad that you enjoyed the quotes. I have several notebooks filled with notes also. When I look back at my notes a few years later, I write the current date and a new note about how things have changed or stayed the same.
Love the penguin pictures and the quotes too.
I have heard of Jim Rohn but haven’t got round to checking out his work yet. I noticed in the comments that you said he mentored Tony Robbins who I find inspirational, so I will definitely have to seek his work out now.
I am a great believer in people knowing that they are enough. I think its the biggest thing that holds people back, not believing in themselves and their abilities.
Great post thank you, I enjoyed it.
Once a person realizes that they are enough, it takes the pressure off of feeling anxious about things.
If you like Tony Robbins and you will also enjoy following the works of Jim Rohn. Thank you for stopping by and reading my post.