Funny Penguin jokes are always a good way to make your friends laugh. There are so many different types of penguins that you can joke about, from the Emperor Penguin to the African Penguin. In this blog post, we will talk about some hilarious penguin jokes.
Why did the penguin cross the road?
The penguin was in a hurry to get to the other side.
What do you call it when there are two big icebergs?
A pair of ice cubes!

What do you call it when there are two big icebergs?
A pair of ice cubes!
What is a penguin’s favorite drink?
Water. The Penguin is always cool, calm, and collected!
Why do penguins have black and white feathers?
They’re the colors of their environment – (The cold, dark Antarctic!)

Q: Did you hear about the penguin that got fired from the M&M factory?
A: He kept throwing out the W’s! (Haha, that’s good.)
Q: What do Penguins eat for breakfast?
A: Ice Pops! (Yum!)
Q: How do you keep a Penguin busy all day?
A: Put him in a round room and tell him to sit in the corner! (Haha)
Q: Why can’t Penguins fly south for the winter?
A: Because it’s too far to walk. (Hehe)
What do you call a fish with no eyes?
Answer: A fsh.
Q: Did you hear the one about the penguin who was a criminal?
A: It’s pretty funny, but that’s not really what he was going for.
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A penguin in a microwave!
Q. Why are penguins so good at Poker?
A. Professional players!
Q. What do you call a mischievous penguin?
A. A Pee-gnome!
Q. Where do baby penguins come from?
A: The stork!
Q. What is the biggest problem for Penguins in London?
A. Long line at the ice rink!
Q. Which song do woman penguins love?
A. A wing on the bird!
Q. Why do Penguins have webbed feet?
A. They make terrible socks!

Q: What are Penguins’ favorite types of music?
A: Hip-Hop and Rap!
Q: Which is the biggest penguin state in America?
A: Waddle-sota!
Q: Why do Penguins move so much in the winter?
A: It’s too cold to stay still!
Q. Why are Penguins not allowed in school in America?
A: Because they’re already enrolled in school in the South Pole!
Q. Why do Penguins have their children at a particular time of year?
A: Because they need to line up for child care!
Q. How does a Penguin keep fit?
A: Swimming, running, and walking!
Q. How do Penguins like to eat their fish?
A: Flakely!

Q. What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A penguin with sunburn in the South Pole!
Q. How do Penguins greet each other?
A: “Peng You!”
Q. What does a Penguin order at IHOP?
A: Pancakes and ice cream!
Q: Why don’t Penguins live in hot places?
A: Because they need a cool place to live!
Q. How do Penguins move around their school?
A: They use the fire escape!
Q. Why are Penguin’s feet flat?
A. It makes it easier to slide on the ice!
Q. What is a Penguin’s favorite sport in the Winter Olympics?
A: Curling!

Q. How much food does a Penguin eat each day?
A: A peng ton!
Q. When do Penguins move?
A: They jump up, shout “JAMBA!” and then hop away!
Q. How do Penguins keep their eyes healthy?
A. By blinking 20 times per minute!
Q. What do Penguins wear to a formal party?
A: They came as a flock!
Q. Why are Penguins so good at swimming?
A: They have webbed feet and flippers!
Q. Have you heard about the new Puffle club in town?
A: It’s called The Fluff Poppers!
Q. What did the baby penguin say when he was born?
A: Eh, I can breathe underwater!
Q. Where do penguins meet for breakfast?
A: At Denny’s!
Q. How can you tell if a Penguin is from New York City?
A: He’s got a big jay and says, “New YAWWK!”
Q. Why did the Penguins go to the hospital?
A: To see Flipper!
Q. How does a Penguin keep fit?
A: By eating 4 Fish-lights a day!
Q. Why don’t penguins live in the desert?
A: They can’t find a good igloo!
Q: What do Penguins wear to bed?
A: Pijamas!
Q. Why did the penguin cross the road?
A: To get to the Shell Station!
Q. What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A penguin that went for a swim in the desert!
Q. Why are Penguins always tired?
A: Because they’re out of shape!
Q. What did the boy penguin say when he saw a whale?
A: I know you are, but what am I?
Q. Where do Penguins go if they get sick?
A: The flipper clinic!
Q. What did the baby penguin say when he saw his mommy?
A: Nice flippers!
Q. What do Penguins eat at the movies?
A: Popcorn!
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A penguin with a sunburn.
Q: Why did the Penguins go to school?
A: To learn to tie their shoes!
Q: What do you call a Penguin student on campus?
A: A college Pingu.
Q: Why did the penguin cross the road?
A: I was told it was the chicken’s day off.
Q: How do you get down from an elephant?
A: You don’t, you get down from a goose.
Q: Where do penguins keep their money?
A: In a snowbank!
Q: What do you call a Penguin with a typewriter?
A: An oxymoron.
Q: Why wouldn’t the other Penguins play with him?
A: He was a loner penguin.
Q: Did you hear about the penguin that went to college?
A: He majored in (Economics/Accounting) and minored in (English/Spanish).
Q: Why do Penguins like the cold?
A: Because it’s too hot for them down south.
Q: What does a Penguin wear when he goes in for an interview?
A: Suit and tie! (Suit up!)
Q: What do penguins wear on their heads?
A: Ice caps! (Ya know, like global warming)
Q: Where do penguins keep their money?
A: In a snowbank! (Silly!)
Q: How do Penguins go into battle?
A: They floe together. (Haha, very funny!)
Q: Why did the penguin cross the road?
A: I heard it was the chicken’s day off! (Haha!)
Q: What do Penguins like to eat for lunch?
A: Iceberg sandwiches! (Haha, you’re silly!)
Q: What’s black and white and red all over?
A: A Penguin with a sunburn! (Get it?)

Q: Did you hear about the penguin that went to college?
A: He majored in business… AND minored in Spanish! (Hehe)
Q: Where do penguins keep their money?
A: In a snowbank! (Funny, I thought you’d say “Penguin Savings”)
Q: Why can’t Penguins fly south for the winter?
A: Because it’s too far to walk. (Hehe)
Q: How do Penguins treat their sick?
A: With a lot of TLC! (Tender Loving Care, haha.)
Q: Why couldn’t the Penguin party on the weekend?
A: They were too tired! (Hehe)
Q: Why didn’t they let the penguin get on the bus?
A: He was full of wadd! (Haha)
Q: What do you call a Penguin at college?
A: A college student. (Very funny.)
Q: Why couldn’t the penguin be a rock star?
A: Because he didn’t have any feathers! (Haha)
Q: What do Penguins say when it’s cold outside?
A: Nothing. Penguins don’t talk. (Oh, OK.)
Why are penguins so popular at parties?
Answer: Because they are good dancers!
How do penguins talk to each other?
Answer: They have their own dialect.
What do you call a penguin in the desert?
Answer: Lost!
How do you know when it’s raining penguins?
Answer: You can step in their footprints.
What do you call a penguin in the summer?
Answer: Lost!
Enjoy The Top 10 Most Funniest Penguin Videos
OK, I’ll stop. But seriously,
these are the best penguin jokes ever.